Department Association - AI & DS - Nandha Arts & Science College

AlphaGo – The name is inspired from the First AIbased Computer Program to defeat a professional human Go player, the first to defeat a Go world champion, and is arguably the strongest Go player in history. The aim of the association is to conducts various programs like workshops, seminars, and conferences are organized for the benefit of students.


OFFICE BEARERS (2023- 2024)

S.No. Register No. Name of the Student Office Bearers Class
1 23BAD01 Aadhilirfan A. President I B.Sc AI & DS
2 23BAD54 Thiruviga M. Vice President I B.Sc AI & DS
3 23BAD12 Dhanalakshmi C. Secretary I B.Sc AI & DS
4 23BAD63 Navaneethaprabu M. Joint Secretary I B.Sc AI & DS

S.No. Register No. Name of the Student Class
1 23BAD57 Varshini V. I B.Sc AI & DS
2 23BAD59 Vishal R R. I B.Sc AI & DS
3 23BAD55 Vaishavi B. I B.Sc AI & DS
4 23BAD53 Susith R. I B.Sc AI & DS
5 23BAD52 Sushidharan T. I B.Sc AI & DS